The Importance of Vehicle Alignment Repair

The Importance of Vehicle Alignment Repair

There is no question, the importance of vehicle alignment repair should be addressed as soon as possible at Mountain View Automotive in Thornton. If your wheels are out of alignment, it could affect your safety because your tires aren’t pointing in the right direction. So, don’t jeopardize steering, suspension, the life of your tires and most importantly, your own life!

When all of a vehicle’s wheels are lined up exactly with each other, your wheels are in alignment. There are many reasons your wheels may be out of alignment. Then one or more of your wheels starts pulling in a slightly different direction and the problems begin. Driving for a long time if your car is out of alignment can cause your tires to wear unevenly. Sometimes the tires can be worn so badly that they will fail. So, don’t keep driving your vehicle if the alignment is off. Bring your car or truck to Mountain View Automotive for vehicle alignment in Thornton.

Causes of misalignment.

How does your car get out of alignment? Some of the most common ways are when your car or truck hits pot holes, bump curbs or concrete parking stalls. Sometimes even regular usage can cause the alignment to be off because as cars get older their rubber components can crack or lose their elasticity. Even the ball and socket joints might become loose over time. Your car has a lot of steering and suspension components joined together. Sometimes ordinary driving over time can make your car’s wheels go out of alignment because the joints have loosened up.

Problems with misalignment.

If your alignment is off, your vehicle will not handle properly and sometimes you will even have a hard time keeping control of your car. Luckily, if you have your wheels aligned regularly, you can avoid these issues. It’s sometimes recommended to have your alignment done at every other oil change or when you get new tires. It’s worth the trouble because it will extend the life of your tires, which are so expensive.

So, if your steering wheel is off center that is a sign that you may need an alignment. If your car or truck seems to be pulling to one side an alignment may be needed.

An alignment problem will diminish your driving comfort, but it can also cause trouble for your suspension system.

A slight alignment problem can cause your tires to wear unevenly. If you have driven for a while with your wheels out of alignment, you will notice uneven tire wear. Usually, either the outside or inside of the tire is noticeably worn down more than the other tires. It can compromise the entire tire and require replacement, or you may experience a blowout. It only takes a 1/8 inch of misalignment to drag the front tires sideways the equivalent of 28 feet for every mile traveled. Resetting alignment to the manufacturer’s preferred specs will usually extend tire life.

If you’re experiencing any kind of steering or handling problem, you need an alignment check to see if your wheels not lined up evenly. An important aspect of aligning the wheels is performing a preliminary alignment inspection of the suspension and steering linkage. This is necessary to determine if there are any worn or damaged parts. You can’t realign worn or damaged parts so any worn or damaged parts need to be replaced before the wheels can be realigned.

Fixing an alignment problem.

It’s important that you bring your car to our professionals because the alignment specifications are different and determined by the vehicle manufacturer for every make and model. The vehicle’s size, length, weight and intended are used to help determine the correct alignment angles. So, you need someone who knows what they are doing in order to get the alignment right. We use computerized alignment machine that has your specific vehicle’s alignment requirements.

Your car’s alignment, suspension, and steering components should be checked periodically to make sure they are working well. A simple alignment check can help spot problems before they become troublesome. We can make recommendations based on tire wear and the visual examination of the front end about whether you should have your alignment checked out, but usually, the alignment is measured by fractions of degrees. We need alignment technology to help us get the right alignment. Even if it is slightly off it can a big impact on your tires.

When you bring your car to our auto technicians at Mountain View Automotive in Thornton, we will test to see if your car needs an alignment. If it does, we will use advanced tools and equipment to make sure it is done correctly, bringing your wheels back into the right alignment. It will keep you safer and your tires will last longer.

With your alignment completed you will drive straight and have a smooth ride, and your tires will wear evenly and last a long time. Getting your vehicle repaired today, can prevent more expensive problems later.

Wheel alignment is also required when certain suspension and steering components are replaced. Alignment is also needed if the tie rods, steering links, control arms, tie rod ends, idler arm, or control arm bushings, steering knuckle, or steering rack have been replaced.

Another benefit of having the wheels aligned is to assure optimum handling and traction for driving safety. Tires that lean in or out, even slightly can reduce traction, cornering ability and tread life.

You need proper wheel alignment to keep your vehicle’s suspension system in the best working order. Wheel alignment affects fuel efficiency, tire wear, tire performance, vehicle handling, and maneuverability. Wheel alignment is a big factor in a vehicle’s steering response.

You can’t overstate the importance of vehicle alignment repair. If you think your tires are misaligned, don’t wait to have it checked out. Bring it into our technicians at Mountain View Automotive, so we can correct any problems that might be preventing you from having a smooth and safe ride. Call or contact us today for an appointment, or simply stop by the shop and let our certified professionals return your vehicle to optimal health.